story question

Torsten Wesley Adair torsten at
Wed Apr 21 08:14:40 CEST 1993

Last week, I had some comic book money left over, and so I bought the
Disney Comics album of Uncle Scrooge in Trall-la-la.  I have some
questions concerning the stories presented in this album.

1)  Why is Carl Barks' style on the Junior Woodchucks story so different
from the rest of his work? 
	(This story concerned US and the JWs going to Tibet (?).)

2)  What happened to the golden geese (and the valley of feathers) that
Uncle Scrooge bought?

Regarding the Junior Woodchucks:

I have an issue at home that has three stories in it.  One deals with a first
aid competition between the JWs that involves a circus airplane.  The
second deals with maple syrup collection for fund raising, and pits the
JWs against US and a female version of the JWs.  


The second story, which is much more interesting, involves the JWs
discovering an intact dinosaur skeleton.  US discovers this as well, and
the troop leader and US race to file a claim on the hill, which US wins. 
As US walks through the skeleton, which was unearthed in a rockslide,
planning the interior design of the restaurant, Pluto (Yes! PLUTO.) grabs
a nearby plant and adds it to US' tea.  US drinks the tea and has
HALLUCINATIONS that the fossil is flesh and blood, and gladly signs over
the deed to the JWs.  

Ignoring the facts that:      1) the fossil would be protected by landmark
				 laws, and that
			      2) US was under the influence of a narcotic
				 when he signed away his deed,

does anyone out there wonder if this story, because of the drug element, 
will ever be reprinted in comic book form?

Is it in the Barks' collection?

Was it approved by the Comics Code Authority?

Torsten Adair	torsten at	Omaha, NE, USA
Minnie Mouse is NOT crazy!

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