Introduckin' meself...

Mattias Hallin Mattias.Hallin at
Fri Oct 1 11:52:58 CET 1993

...which might be a polite thing to do, being new on this net since a couple of
days, and considering that you don't all know from before: m'name's Mattias
Hallin (age 28), residing in the beautiful university town
of Lund, Sweden, where I'm presently employed at the University Registrar's
office and archives - it is courtesy of my workplace computers that I'm able to
participate in this sort of thing.

Being a Swede, I'm obviously a NAFS(k) member (well, all Swedes aren't, of
course; but most Swedish donaldists), and co-editor with my brother Jakob of
Swedish donaldist fanzine "NAFS(k)uriren". So anyone who cares to write to
NAFS(k)uriren might do this via this net (my email adress(es) are either
"Mattias.Hallin at" or "ANNAS at" - they work equally
well). Our letters column accepts letters in English, but any article would
have to be translated into Swedish to appear. We'd gladly do that, of course,
but then most of you couldn't read your own article...

Well, anyway I'm glad to be amongst ya'll on the net and please just delete
this happy c**p once you've gleaned it.

Quackly Yours


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