Rota in DDA 23

Mark Semich mas at
Thu Oct 14 03:50:36 CET 1993

David A Gerstein <David.A.Gerstein at> writes about Donald
Duck Adventures #23:
>	But then, "Andold Wild Duck" is a pretty old story, c.
>late-1970s with THAT code.  My guess is that the time-machine story
>has better-grounded Vikings.

"Andold Wild Duck" is the first Rota story that I've read.  Although I
liked the artwork very much, the story itself struck me as somewhat
average. Given that I'm reading a translation, I don't really know
whether my complaints would be with Rota's writing or with Gary
Gabner's translation.  (As scripter, is he the one who does the
translation?)  How does this story compare with Rota's other works?

>	One other comment before "Andold Wild Duck" becomes a thing of
>the past:  That Andold/Bo pair reminds me of a slightly more bumbling
>Asterix and Obelix quite a lot!  You don't suppose that Rota took a
>leaf from Goscinny and Uderzo's book(s)?

I noticed this as well.  Although there are differences between
Asterix/Obelix and Andold/Bo, I assumed while reading the story that
Rota intended Bo as an Asterix and Obelix tribute.

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