Disney-comics digest #800.

Don Rosa donrosa at iglou.com
Sat Sep 30 04:51:00 CET 1995

        Was it somewhere else than on these pages that I was already saying
that the editors removed the "D.U.C.K." from the splash panel of "The
Incredible Shrinking Tightwad"? I tried to prevent you from looking for what
wasn't there.
        I hadn't expected to be asked about all that storeroom stuff tonight
when I sat down here. I'll try to remember to bring a copy of that chapter 1
up to my terminal tomorrow and try to recite all the sources for the items
in the storeroom. I think a few more appear in part 2, and at least one or
two have nothing to do with Ducks... I believe I have Charles Foster Kane's
sled in there somewhere (yes, AGAIN!) as well as things like the Maltese
Falcon (which they miscolored).
        The translator omited the small gag about the toothbrush? Why do
they want to confound their readers like that? It wasn't much but at least
it was better than no explanation at all for the toothbrush! (It's hardly
worth explaining -- I think one Beagle Boy was saying he didn't know how
$crooge's grand-nephews could tell whose teeth they were brushing in the
morning, they looked so much alike. Surely the translator wasn't hung on the
idea that the Ducks don't have teeth? That wouldn't matter -- it's the
Beagle Boy talking.)
        Well, I'll try to make a storeroom list tomorrow...

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