Which comic do you like more?

Paolo Castagno p.castagno at libero.it
Thu Dec 21 21:40:45 CET 2000

> > On the other hand, the *worst* performance comes from "I Classici",
> > an historical publication, which made the Disney comic history in
> > Italy: how sad to see them dying at the bottom of the list!!!
> Well, this might not be the case, Paolo. It depends on how the question
> was formulated. Imagine for instance a new compilation with old Beatles
> songs. Such an album would probably sell quite well, but I am sure,
> that noone would claim that it is "better" than any of the original
> Beatles records from the 60/70s.

Well... yes and no... I love some old issues of I Classici
"Topolinissimo", "I Classici di Paperino", etc... and they are
all excellent compilations, not original recordings.

> Being a regular subscriber to nine of the ten titles in the survey 

!! Wow: you read more Italian stuff than me!! 

> anyone bothering to find your web page may be more 
> Disney-addicted and likely to spend the huge sum of 15,000 
> lire (~$6.75) on a prestige format book with no more
> comic pages than Topolino. 12-year old "ragazzi" don't,
> and Italy is one country which still publishes Disney comics 
> both for children and adults.

That's right: this pool has some limitations: first of all it is
just for people who surf the internet, then just for the ones who
happen to visit the page where the pool is, and then again just
for the few who bother to express their opinion: it doesn't have
an absolute value, but I'm sure that if we could check the pool's
results with the average sales of Disney issues there won't be
significative differences.

> I can't help wondering if the result had been different,
> if you'd been allowed to rank the titles instead of only 
> placing one vote:

It would be surealy a more interesting way of pooling, but the
service is a free one, you have to take it "as-is".

  - Paolo

http://members.xoom.it/inducks  mailto:p.castagno at libero.it
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