Hiawatha and Yakari

Anders Christian Sivebaek acsive at mail.mira.dk
Sat Mar 4 16:35:32 CET 2000

I think what Sonia did was to repeat what i said, before she answered.
There just was no indicator to this anywhere. 
Anyway, you asked who Yakari is? He is the star of one of the few
album-series I have read. A little Indian who lives with his tribe (am
I allowed to use that word?!). I think the artist is french, but the
stories are supposed to take place in America I think. 
Yakari is a bit older, and taller than Hiawatha, who's non-tallness is
a bit ridicolus to me.
He lives with his family, I think his father is chief (It's some time
since I read the whole series), and he has a very nice horse called
Thundercloud. He talks to it. 
I hope it's not un-PC to claim that indians can and could talk to
animals. The thought is so beautiful, and very possible, as they are
nature-people and understand the living things around them. I guess a
white person is sent to a psychiatrist or directly to the closed
department if they claim such abbilities?

Well, the stories mostly are about Yakari in his home, and he goes on
trips, where he gets in dangourous situations, of which he saves
himself always. It's a series for children. 
He often gets in contacts with all kinds of animals. Like bears, his
good friends the beavers, and once he met the white bison, who means
something very special to Indians, and maybe his tribe in particular. 

There's no parodicing in the stories, the Indians are humans, who talk
danish in my case. 

My opinoin about Hiawatha is not a big one, as I haven't read many
stories with him, only when I was smaller, and the reason I stopped
might have been the same as someone mentioned about Rabbit, the plots
were too alike...

A. C. Sivebaek
acsive at mail.mira.dk

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