
Anders Christian Sivebaek acsive at
Wed Mar 15 17:37:40 CET 2000

Hi listeners
Subscribing to danish duck comics is a fun subject. 
It's been possible for many years to get the weekly delivered by the
mailman to your door. There was even an ad where you saw Donald himself
delivering it. I don't know for precisely how many years, maybe someone
here can enlighten me?

Before subscribing was invented with the weekly I know that all
bookstores would offer to put aside the weekly untill you fetched it.
Our local one still does that. 
And you will have to have that done still today with the Pocketbooks
and the extra, cause you cannot subscribe to them. That's too bad, and
strange, as it's been possible in Germany and France for as long as my
issues go back (1992... ahem)

I've been subscribing to the weekly since 1993 and I got a gift for
becoming that. An album and a collecting map. (Which destroys the
weeklies a bit, so I don't use that for them anymore...). I think i
started to subscribe because I wanted to make sure that I got every
issue - Don's Lo$ was being published at that time. 

Subscribing to the books the danes publish is a money saver. The rumour
has it that the goldbook with Barks-stories is available in two
versions. A subscribers-edition with a year on the spine and a
sold-in-stores-edition with the issues number on the spine. The
Goldbook costs 225 kroner now, but someone in Copenhagen told me in
november that the subscribers edition was 25 or 50 kroner cheaper. I
never found out though, we only made it to visit our friend David
(Søren, Ole and I), the Publisher was closed when we got to think of
going downstairs...

The yearbook is a case too. I started subscribing right from the
beginning, before many others I think, because I wrote that article for
the 50-year jubilee in march, but the first book was delayed, and
reached the stores before the subscribers (the, because
they were surpirsed by the great wanting of the subscribers edition.
It's 50 kroner cheaper and has a special cover only for members to see
(so nyah!). The book send out in september was out two weeks before it
hit the stores. 
But... Now were in the middle of march and I haven't got my issue yet
(It contains reprints of 1951), but it hasn't been seen in stores
either, has it?

Yesterday I saw a consumer's TV programe where they talked about
coupon-offers, and there's been one for this book where you got both
for 450 kroner or so (that's saving 150 kroner from the store-price!!).
the first 200 senders would get a DD-watch. This consumer's prgrame
didn't seem to see that note about 200 first persons... They claimed
that you could get the watch totally for free withourt having to buy
what they called crap... (1949 and 1950 wasn't crap-years... they
contained Barks-10-pagers almost every month!!). For once I'm on the
publishers side. They have the right to say no to people who will try
to get that watch for free. 

Lately It became possible to subscribe to the danish Paperinik-comic.
The price for non-subscribers now how to pay 5 kroner more than before,
and subscribers don't. That's the only thing we subscribers get. 
In october last year a new magazine with Disney's Princesses came out,
and already now it's possible to subscribe, and there's some saving of
money there too. 

A. C. Sivebaek
acsive at

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