"Map (4)" in French

Olivier mouse-ducks at wanadoo.fr
Sun Mar 4 19:55:09 CET 2001

Sorry, I mixed up 2 messages-- I can't understand how,
but I did.

"Map (4)" was obviously not meant to be posted on this list.
Thank you Anders, I was unaware of  it-- I don't receive my
own posts nor the digest.

Don't worry, there was nothing unkind about anyone!
Here's what it was about:

Gilles Maurice told me he didn't have time to start a web site,
and wondered if  you should ask for an authorization.
I replied that's what everyone ought to do. But it in fact everyone
(or most people-- some webmasters may actually have asked for
an authorization) just adds a disclaimer acknowledging the material
used is the property of  the Walt Disney Company and stating that
no one makes a cent out of  it.

I am awfully sorry for this goof. All my apologies.


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