Scrooge's Doubles

François Willot willot.francois at
Wed Mar 7 23:30:08 CET 2001


>In an Italian story, publicated in PM 94, with the code AT 192, but not
>put in the inducks' database, we can see Arsene, Rockerduck nephew, who
>looks very much like his uncle and dressed like him. Does he appears in
>other stories?

This story is in the Inducks database, check

>I'm working on Scrooge's doubles, from all creators.
>I'm going to tell you what I've found in my little comics collection. If
>you know others, please tell me!!

There is also "Rapesou" (in the French version), a poor man who is the exact
opposite of Scrooge, except for his visual appearance. The story was
published in an Almanach du Journal de Mickey, but I don't recall it right


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