Mo' Margarine !!!!!!!!!!!

WL Lilly liljerryandtheyadayadakiddz at
Sat May 12 20:22:54 CEST 2001

...Re: Dan's comments about margarine , my  ( born
1924 ) father always told me of that regarding US
margarine as
 well , thogh in less detail ( I also remember a
children's novel I read when I was young -
set in " pre-1960s " America , more or less - having a
detail of a young character mixing the coloring into
the family's new-from-the-grocery margarine . ) -
and he said that the law forcing margarine to be sold
that way was pushed through by congressmen from heavy
dairy-producing US states , to make it harder for the
competition ! And I believe many of the US's dairy 
( Minnesota , etc. ) states were heavily settled by
immigrants from - Scandanavia ! Sounds like the apple
doesn't fall very far from 
the tree ! BLUE margarine !...   

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