The Crusader Kings again! [to Don Rosa and Francois ) Goofy313g at
Wed Apr 3 13:13:55 CEST 2002

About the little character with a beard in "THe Crown of The Crusader Kings", 
I wanted to know his original name .I have read in Barksbase it was Monsieur 
Mattressface, but did Barks give him a first name?

What does Mattressface means? Does that mean "Somebody whose face looks like 
a mattress, that is to say the thing you have on a bed?" Is this a joke 
because of his beard?

In France, in the Barks story, he was called Dutoc (Toc means for instance 
something which looks like Gold but isn't real Gold in fact, but plastic or 
painted metal) in the"Fabulous Philosopher's stone", and  Barbedrue in Don 
Rosa's story (Barbe : Beard, "Drue" : Scrubby")
What is the Firstname of this character in the original Story?

(That would be very good to create a "Html RosaBase" like the "Html 
BarksBase", which would include all the names of the characters used in Don's 

What is the original name for the tall beared character. In France, he is 
"MOnsieur Mollay". Where does his name come from?


In your last name, you spoke about an unpublished last page in Lo$ 3. What 
are you talking about? There is the same page number than the story that was 
in "La Jeunesse de Picsou", which was a reunion of all of the Lo$ episodes!!!

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