
Theresa Wiegert theresaw at
Mon Aug 26 12:19:39 CEST 2002

Hmm... Actually, female ducks *are* flatbosomed, regardless of their being
human ducks or not. Sure, ducks have longer beaks also, and not black long
hair, but I don't know... I have think the Daisy-variant is better.
There's no question about their sex anyway.

I saw a most wonderful program about an endangered goose species
yesterday. French biologists took care of eggs, and acted like geese
around them, and learned them to find the way to fly from summerquarters
to winterquarters, leading the geese with an ultra-light airplane (Sweden
to france, 50 km each day, took a while). A bit OT maybe, but it was such
an amazing thing... :)


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