Don Rosa book

timo ronkainen timoro at
Tue Jul 30 18:14:20 CEST 2002

>From: "Per Martinson" he [Don Rosa] doesn't write anything
>really new and innovative, he only uses things that Barks created.

Many other writers/artists does that too. All is based on Barks' creations, 
just because he invented almost everything there is: Duckburg, most of the 
characters and story situations.
Paradoxically Don is creating much new things by using old stuff. He have 
breaked even few rules: he introduced parents to many Disney characters, he 
tied them in history and time, and even one death scene have occured. All 
things you wouldn't have expected to see, and still done very accurately 
within barks/disney-tradition.
Don added new depth into characters and situations, without breaking 
barksian facts or characters' basic personality.
I'm not saying that all barksian/rosaist facts should be rules or templates 
to all stories to be made. I do enjoy reading most of the other Disney-duck 
stuff too.


Cartoonist - writer - donaldist -
Timo Ronkainen ---------------- -
YO-kylä 52 A 26 --------------- -
20540 Turku ------------------- -
Finland ----------------------- -
timoro at
timoro at
¨¨ Personal:
¨¨ Ankkalinnan Pamaus:
"Rumble on, buxom bumble bee!
Go sit on cowslip - far from me!"

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