Komix #174

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at cti.gr
Mon Nov 25 07:54:24 CET 2002

Here's what's in the December issue of Komix:

* Cover by Don Rosa. I have put a scan of the cover at
* Two pages of letters.
* Three pages with "the news of Komix".
* Don Rosa's "Quest for Kalevala" (D 99078).
* A three page article titled "The Ducks in Finland", subtitled "Don Rosa
  presents the "Quest for Kalevala".
* Giorgio Cavazzano's "I Capricci della Numero Uno" (I B-228).
* A three page article titled "The History of Scrooge McDuck", subtitled
  "55 years from uncle Scrooge's first appearance).
* Carl Barks' "For Old Dime's Sake" (W US 43-01).

Last month there were no Rosa-related articles, so there are no
translations for this month.

Next month, they will be publishing Groo again, so there won't be any
translations then, either. I've already written Komix to congratulate
them for managing to ruin my holidays even though it is still November.

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at cti.gr)
	      	(WWW:    http://dias.cti.gr/~kyrimis)
"I myself am in search of universal peace, an end to strife and unlimited
 custard for all, but I have a feeling I'm looking in the wrong place."

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