"Wuwelack" Etymology

timo ronkainen timoro at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 27 11:37:29 CET 2002

>Actually, the name Wuwelack has a slightly Slavic ring to me.

Indeed! Wurdalak (if I recall right) means vampire. Someone here might 
remember/know better.


Cartoonist - writer - donaldist -
Timo Ronkainen ---------------- -
YO-kylä 52 A 26 --------------- -
20540 Turku ------------------- -
Finland ----------------------- -
timoro at hotmail.com
timoro at sunpoint.net
¨¨ Personal:
¨¨ Ankkalinnan Pamaus:
"Rumble on, buxom bumble bee!
Go sit on cowslip - far from me!"

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