Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt [to Don] Goofy313g at
Fri Sep 20 14:35:55 CEST 2002

I'm building a new section for my website with characters of real life who 
appears in Barks/Rosa stories and drawings...
Watching at biographies of Roosevelt webpages, I learnt that he moved to the 
Dakota Badlands in 1884, after his first wife Alice (the one that appears in 
"the sharpie of the Culebra Cut" is the second one, Edith), and his mother 
died. In "The Buckaroo of the     Badlands" (D 92008), Don Rosa shows that 
Scrooge meets Teddy in this very place in a story that is said to happen in 
1882-1883, ie before 1884. Is there a mistake, here, or is it me who make a 
mistake? Is the story meant to happen after Roosevelt's wife and mother's 
death?  I think it is, teddy seems to be a bachelor in this story... And it 
cannot happen before his wedding with Alice, as it was, I think, in 1880...

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