Wicca and religions

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at cti.gr
Mon Aug 11 09:30:46 CEST 2003

I would like to thank Sigvald for informing us that the religion that my 
ancestors had followed for millennia, and which was powerful enough for 
elements of it to survive in christianity, was actually a pseudo-religion.

By Zeus, I will now convert to one of the religions in his list of "real" 
religions, then embark on a campaign to slaughter all unbelievers, as their 
religion is obviously a false one (i.e., not the one I follow), and its 
members should therefore not be tolerated to live.

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at cti.gr)
	      	(WWW:    http://dias.cti.gr/~kyrimis)
"What's the time?"
"The relative measure of state of decay, but that's not important now."

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