
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr. sigvald at duckburg.dk
Sun Feb 2 20:59:09 CET 2003

Hi all!

Our friend Rob Klein stated that Cord Wiljes
posting about exhanging D-marks into Euro was
off-topic. But it was not entirely off-topic
because Cord wrote:

> What would Scrooge do? Would he keep his old
> money? Or would he transport it to the bank
> for exchange? would he biuld a money pipeline
> for this?

My answer to this question is that he most
probably would have keept the old money if
there were special memories conected to them
(ref: The Coin). If not he would most certainly
taken it to the bank very fast to have it
exhanged - well this is only my views...

Sigvald :-)

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