Searching for Aku Ankka 1996-47 scan ("Notre Duck")

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Mon Nov 24 01:28:25 CET 2003

I'm searching for a cover scan of Finnish Aku Ankka 1996-47:

According to Inducks, it's an inked version of a Barks cover 
design for "The Phantom of Notre Duck" (US 60). This design has 
been published in the Carl Barks Library set 5, on page 289:

The problem is that the Carl Barks Library contains *two* 
different designs, and Inducks (or at least COA) doesn't 
mention any descriptions for them.

An online scan (or at least a description) of the Finnish inked 
version would help me further on this.

--- Daniël

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