Does anyone know the FIRST appearance of...

Frank Bubacz frankbubacz at
Fri Oct 17 00:33:29 CEST 2003

Hi Rich,

3) Bolivar (Donald's St. Bernard) = YD 38-03-17 (gag) 3/17/1938 ?


8) Duckburg = W OS 422-02 "The Gilded Man"  January 31, 1952 ?

It was first mentioned on a signpost in "High Wire Daredevils" (WDC 49).

11) Gideon McDuck = I AT 112-B "The Za-Za Mosquitos" Apr. 1,1966 ?

Feb 10, 1956 - "Paperino e i Gamberi in salmi" (I TL 132-A)

12) Gilbert Goof = W OS 562-02 "A Visit from Gilbert" 1954-05 ?


13) Grandma Duck = W WDC 121-04 "GD adopts Gus and Jaq" 1950-10 ?

Sept 27, 1943 (although her portrait appeared earlier on Donald's wall, Aug 
11, 1940)

15) Herbert (HDL's friend) = W WDC 43-02 "Three Dirty Little Ducks" November 
1943 ?


21) Kildare Coot (Sgrizzo Papero) =  I TL 465-B "Sgrizzo il più balzano 
papero del
mondo" 10/25/1964


28) Newton Gearloose = S 65025 "The Copycat Inventor" 1965

If we believe INDUCKS, this was the first published story, but "Ting-A-Ling 
Trouble" (WDC 108) might be the first that was drawn (???)

29) Plottigat = I TL 1102-B Goofy Were-wolf  Sept. 1, 1977 ?

Yes, but it's January 9!  "Topolino e il "Pippo-lupo""

31) Shamrock Bones = W WDC 137-11 "The Shattered-Glass Mystery" 1952-02 ?

According to INDUCKS: yes.

32) The Sleuth = S 75164 "The Case of the Pea Soup Burglaries" 1975-12 ?

See above.

33) Paperinik

June 8, 1969  "Paperinik il diabolico vendicatore" (I TL 706-A)


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