Original secondary character's names in I TL 1308-B???

Lars Jensen lpj at forfatter.dk
Wed Sep 10 19:57:31 CEST 2003

timo ronkainen wrote:

> I just read a story (I TL 1308-B) published in Finnish Roope-setä mag
> 9/1985: Zio Paperone e il fumetto perfetto. Rockerduck has a comic
> book publishing company and he has all the best cartoonists there are.
> They are working in slave labor conditions in a basement. He pushes
> his artists and writers to the extreme limit and therefore gets
> hundreds of pages of comics made. Nice story about "industrial" way of
> making comics. Perhaps Giorgio Pezzin wrote this story to present his
> feelings about working for Disney?  :-)

I've searched Inducks and couldn't find any pre-1986 comics written by
Pezzin for Disney. Did he do some other work for them?


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