DCML Digest Issue 45

Don Rosa donrosa at iglou.com
Wed Sep 24 00:26:42 CEST 2003

> From: "Sigvald Gr?sfjeld jr." <sigvald at duckburg.dk>
> Subject: SV: Re: Cornhoot
> Statue? Compared to the original statue used in Don Rosa's stories this is
> just a little miniature -

Um... I always thought the original statue was used in stories by that other

> it would certainly have been much more
> impressive if it had been a full size copy.

When you're right, you're right. It would have been much more impressive if
they had built it in its full fifty story size.  This only proves it's yet
another example of their lack of respect!

(There, see, I can write short messages, too!)

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