How to read about dead Ducks...

Matthew Williams kingofduckburg at
Sun Apr 4 03:57:22 CEST 2004

Dan S. wrote:
> Guess what?  Davy Crockett is dead.  Robin Hood is dead.  King
> Arthur, Guinevere, and Lancelot have all passed off this
> mortal coil.  And somehow I still manage to enjoy reading
> stories about them.

SR Rowe wrote:
>didnt seem to have hurt sherlock holmes too much.....
 > or historical romances at all!!

I guess the difference for me would be that when I read and enjoy stories
featuring those characters, I am reading (and enjoying) a finite set of
classics.  I think there's a real limit on how many new, successful King
Arthur stories can be created.  I want Donald and Scrooge to keep having NEW
adventures.  I don't think ol' Sherlock's going to crack too many new cases.
Compare how many duck stories have been created in the last five years to
the number of new Arthur, Sherlock, Robin Hood, etc. stories that have been
created during the last ten years.  Do you see my point?

PLEASE do not take any of my comments as anti-enjoying the classics!  I want
folks to keep reading Barks, Shakespeare, etc.  I make my living teaching
great, dead writers!


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