Oppfinnar-Jocke "Johansson"?

timo ronkainen timoro at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 1 00:01:00 CET 2005

Hi all!

Oppfinnar-Jocke is Gyro Gearloose in Swedish. I read from Who's who that his 
whole Swedish, "real" name is Joakim Johansson. Is this name mentioned in 
some translations of Barks' stories? Who has invented this name?


Cartoonist - writer - donaldist -
Timo Ronkainen ---------------- -
YO-kylä 52 A 26 --------------- -
20540 Turku ------------------- -
Finland ----------------------- -

041 489 77 81--------------- -

timoro at hotmail.com
timoro2 at yahoo.com

eFax 1 214 481 33 30 ----- -

¨¨ Personal:

¨¨ Ankkalinnan Pamaus:

¨¨ Kvaak-sarjakuvaportaali:
"Rumble on, buxom bumble bee!
Go sit on a cowslip - far from me!"

Hotmail vai Hotmail Plus? Tutustu palveluihin. 

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