Disney Comics 200th issues

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at alumni.princeton.edu
Mon May 15 11:18:58 CEST 2006


> A nice little piece about different Disney comics throughout the world 
> that reached their 200th issue.  The first was Topolino in Italy in 
> 1936--I had no idea!

The article compares 200th issues of both weekly and monthly publications, 
which aren't really comparable. The 200th issue of a weekly publication is 
published in its fourth year and, while 200 is a nice round figure, it's 
nothing much to brag about. On the other hand, the 200th issue of a monthly 
publication is published in its 17th year, and is a lot more important, 
especially for a children's title, where the initial audience has moved on and 
has been successfully replaced by a younger generation. It would take about 
870 issues for a weekly magazine to reach the same milestone. While 870 is not 
a nice round figure, 1000 is, and I would think that 1000th issues are duly 
celebrated. I don't know about Topolino, which is mentioned in the article, 
but when the 1000th issue of the Greek Mickey Mouse magazine came out, it was 
a thick, special issue, with, among other stories, a reprint of both parts of 
Scarpa's "Topolino e Bip" (*) which had been published in the first two issues 
of the magazine, giving me a chance to read the second part, which I had 
missed back in 1966! The story was published in facsimile, retaining the 
original hand-lettering (a practice which the magazine quickly abandoned) and 
the grammar that was current back in 1966.

(*) Is this really the original title of I TL 222-A / I TL 223-B ?

"I'm not here, of course. I'm just a memory you haven't had yet."

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