Swedish extra books of Carl Barks Samlade verk

Stefan Persson spe at inducks.org
Mon Dec 5 15:27:38 CET 2011

Olivier <mouse-ducks at orange.fr> skrev:
>Even in if it’s

in a language I don’t understand, a book featuring
>paintings is interesting (I don’t have The Fine Art of Walt Disney’s
>Does any of you have a link to a page featuring the book, please? Or is
>too early (hence your not having already linked to it).
>The title appears to be CARL BARKS EXTRA -MÅLERI OCH GRAFIK – is that

According to the forum link, the title was changed to "Carl Barks – Målningar och teckningar" and won't be published until January. Webshops in Sweden always seem to base their URLs on ISBNs -- and they currently only seem to list the old ISBN, which won't work.


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