<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="1">Hi!<BR>
Last time, when I asked u if you were gonna write a story with Jose and Panchito, I meant "will you write <AGAIN>a story with them "?<BR>
BTW, the female character with José in your calendar-- where is she from. did you invent her or is she from a story by another artist (is she aurora?)<BR>
And is it true that one of your next stories will reveal Hortense and Matilda's destiny? (as told by PICSOU Mag)<BR>
I think I old my opinion in an old message posted here:I think that Maybe the regular beagle boys all have the same mother. (They call eachother brother, althought they don't have the same fathers) I know it'd be immoral, (and so that nobody will be allowed to tell this in a story... if they censor a $£¤µ# Moon on a flag, what will they do with this??) but could you give me your opinion about this? <BR>
In the drawing for PM 338 (to illustrate "Only a poor old man")<BR>
you gave the number 176-480 to a beagle boy on a coin (top right handcorner)<BR>
This number doesn't appear in the story, but a similar beagle appears with 176-840 as number. is it a mistake of you to have put 480 instead of 840?<BR>
PS: I have 2000 at my counter today!!!</FONT></HTML>