<P>I have a possible explanation for the mysterious cousin of Donald's.</P>
<P>In your trees:<BR><A href="http://goofy313g.free.fr/calisota_online/trees/schuijlenburg.html">http://goofy313g.free.fr/calisota_online/trees/schuijlenburg.html</A></P>
<P><A href="http://goofy313g.free.fr/calisota_online/trees/reiche.html">http://goofy313g.free.fr/calisota_online/trees/reiche.html</A></P>
<P>there is a "third" brother is listed along with Abner "Whitewater" and Fethry Duck.</P>
<P> Gipfel-Duck</P>
<P>I know you asked who it is, and based on his rediculous expression, I wonder if he isn't suppose to be the same silly cousin also known as "<FONT size=2>Sgrizzo Papero" in Italian? I realize you think of this character as a "Coot" due to his Egmont name "Kildare Coot", but the German publication may not be aware of his English name and thus have assigned him to the same family branch as Fethry.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=2>Maybe one of our German friends can confirm this?</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=2>Just a thought.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=2>Rich Bellacera</FONT></P><BR>---- Msg sent via CWNet - http://cwnet.com/