<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><HTML><FONT SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="FIXED" FACE="Courier New" LANG="0">Hoy Murphy wrote:<BR>
> Since being let go as an editor at DC Comics, Heidi MacDonald has been<BR>
> writing a weekly column for the Comics Buyers Guide and reports for the<BR>
> online comics news site "The Pulse" at http://www.comicon.com/pulse/<BR>
The Comics Buyers Guide must be where I saw her name. I occasionally browse through it, but I don't think it's worth its $4 price tag. (I think it costs $4, anyway.)<BR>
Speaking of comic book-themed magazines, though, I think "The Comics Journal" is probably the best out there, despite undeniably pompous overtones. Gemstone's own "Comic Book Marketplace" is high quality as far as the publishing goes, but I don't think the writing is as strong as the Journal's. (At least fom what I've seen.)<BR>
Did anyone read Don Markstein's article regarding Disney comics in an issue of "Comic Book Marketplace" this summer? I thought it was great.<BR>
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"Itinerant Penguin Jedi"<BR>
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