<DIV>Don Rosa:</DIV>
<DIV>< if anyone can find me useful pics of pre-1960 <BR>< Sugar<BR>< Loaf cablecar stations, I'll do them a color drawing of whatever Duck <BR>< they<BR>< choose.</DIV>
<DIV><BR>Well... =)</DIV>
<DIV>Have you checked this website: <A href="http://www.virtualtourist.com/vt/16f3ed/4/2fb0/">http://www.virtualtourist.com/vt/16f3ed/4/2fb0/</A></DIV>
<DIV>in the end of the page you can see a small photo of what I think is a station... </DIV>
<DIV>Or is it a station?</DIV><p>Höstrusk och grå moln - köp en resa till solen på <a href="http://se.docs.yahoo.com/travel/index.html">Yahoo! Resor</a>