<TITLE>Somewhere in Nowhere--background info now available</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Verdana">Hi. The Gemstone edition of “Somewhere in Nowhere” was released in the U.S. last Wednesday. Among other things, the issue contains a very tongue-in-cheek interview with me about how I scripted the story. In the interview I foolishly told everyone that they could learn more about “Somewhere” by going to my website.<BR>
Why foolish? Because, in the intervening months since I did the interview, I completely forgot about promising to post that background material. So...<BR>
About an hour ago, my webmaster and I finally got the info posted in the Reading Room section of my website: www.lastkisscomics.com<BR>
The info in the Reading Room basically has a bit about how the plot got revised numerous times from Carl Barks’ original synopsis. Also included is the long, long version of the synopsis. Frankly, I prefer this version of the story to the published version—but it would’ve required far too many pages to tell in a conventional Disney comic. <BR>
Take a look if you’re interested. I’ll be curious to see what people think of the published comic—as well as the synopsis.<BR>
Best Wishes,<BR>
John Lustig<BR>
Sign up for free weekly Last Kiss e-mail comics at www.lastkisscomics.com<BR>