Thanks for the quick reply Gary! <br><br>That's great! Is there anything else at all you're able to mention regarding this? Did Disney USA actually give the heads-up to reprint all the strips? <br><br>BTW You guys are doing a splendid job of reprinting the old material and being faithful especially with the old strips.
<br><br>I noticed 'MM Joins the Foreign Legion' was reprinted in WDC&S a few months ago. When it was scheduled to be reprinted by Gladstone in the 80s it was shelved by disney due to some, (ahem *coff-coff*!) inappropriate material. Were there any changes that had to be done to it 'at all'? Did Disney agree as long as this was made? Or did they figure it would be ok since times have changed?
<br><br>I was thinking it would be a great idea to start a 'formal online petition' to have Disney consider reprinting ALL the MM strips and dailies whether it be in a library or other format unexpurgated. I think the best way to go about it would be to have a special website created describing more about the project and what we're trying to accomplish. Obviously, this would be a lot of time and effort from a lot of people but I would definitely donate whatever time I could to it and to publicize it to get the word out, (news outlets, bookstores etc.). It's definitely possible to make happen especially knowing after the Star Wars debacle where Lucas decided that the only trilogy to see the light again would be the new one and now we have both trilogies on DVD.
<br><br>Thanks Gary and everyone at Gemstone & Disney who read this list<br><br>~ Tom Wormstedt<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><pre>The item is a bit old, but even at that it's essentially correct. <br>Gemstone has entered what I suppose you could call pre-production on
<br>a so-called Gottfredson Library project, though I don't at this point <br>have any sort of scheduling info to offer.<br><br>Gary</pre><br><br>