<P>To "GGK" of Poland who writes:</P>
<P><EM>"Lahdee Dah" sounds a bit like a anaram for "Della"... Or I just got <BR>obsesive? ;)</EM><BR></P>
<P>No, probably not an anagram: in American English "La De Dah" or "La Dee Da" are simply nonsense syllables used when you don't know the words to a song, like Tra La La. It is also used in Southern American English to express either mild disgust or outrage: "Well La...Dee...Dah!" Pausing slightly between the syllables and pronouncing them very emphatically is important! The longer the pauses and the more emphasis the greater the outrage or disgust!</P>
<P>On the parents of HD &L: I agree it would be difficult to address the question in "happy-ending" way. Not impossible to reconcile the triplets with the permanent absence of their parents and with staying with two bachelor uncles, obviously!</P>
<P>On Donald Duck vs. Homer Simpson: Homer has raised sloth and goofing off to a life's principle! Donald suffers more from Attention Deficit Syndrome which might explain his constant changing of careers interspersed with periods of unemployment and poverty ("A Christmas for Shacktown").</P>
<P>Best Wishes!</P>
<P>L. Schulte</P>
<P> </P><BR>
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