<div>Sad to hear about that Gary. When somebody buys the license, is there a chance that you, Susan or anyone else from the Gladstone/Gemstone days might be able to come back and work on them? Is it too early at this point to even know? </div>
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<div>In the last issue of WDC&S #698 - there's a Gottfredson Mickey Mouse story 'Boxing Champion' - that was to be concluded with the next issue - 699. Any special plans to have the conclusion printed in a limited pressing or posted online in a special place (password protected) that way those who have the book could read the conclusion? Just thought I'd throw that out there.</div>
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<div>Thanks again to Bruce, Susan, Gary, Russ etc. for all your hardwork over the last 20 years & for making my childhood shine that much brighter.</div>
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<div>- Tom Wormstedt</div>
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