<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">Greetings to everyone!<br><br>I was also wondering what had happened to our forum, but knew that the reason for the silence was the silence from BOOM Comics and/or Marvel and - ultimately - Disney with one of their best-loved, if not popular, fantasy worlds (i.e. The Duckburg Universe) now dormant in America.<br><br>Perhaps if Don Rosa were still physically capable of producing stories, things would not have gone downhill, but he himself predicted the decline of comic books some years ago.<br><br>Certainly the anti-business attitude of the present government in Washington D.C. does not encourage people to take a risk in rebooting the franchise: perhaps even Scrooge McDuck himself would be loathe to invest in a comic-book venture in the present climate of hostility. <img src="http://image03.messaging.lotuslive.com/js/rte/images/emoticon/ob_smileys3.gif"><br><br>We have read many ideas here about "e-comic books" on-line, and how that would be more economical, but you still need to pay someone to draw and create the stories, program a website, buy advertising, <span style="font-weight: bold;">pay Disney </span>(aka The Big Mouse) <span style="font-weight: bold;">a licensing fee up front</span>, etc. Cheaper than paper publishing, yes, but you would still need thousands of dollars to start such a company.<br><br>And yet..perhaps someone will still try that technique, despite everything! Or will again attempt a regular format on paper! From my school experiences right now (I teach Latin to 6th-8th Graders) I know that a new generation of children would still enjoy The Duckburg Universe through well-done stories, despite competition for their attention from violent videogames and a thousand other distractions. I know that their parents - who grew up with Duck Tales on TV and Don Rosa comics (and others e.g. Van Horn) in the 1980's and 1990's - would appreciate such a positive influence!<br><br>And yes, Best Wishes especially to Don Rosa, and all others who have kept the dreamland of <span style="font-weight: bold;">Carl Barks</span> alive for so many years! <br><br>L. Schulte<br></span><BR>
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