These stories were, after being published in The Netherlands, sold to other countries (esp. Denmark).
[Notes from Wijo Koek himself on the writing of H 83084.]
This story was concieved in the early '80 (1983?) using a Commodore VIC-20, believe it or not! It was my first (and so far only) attempt in producing a 'Computer-Assisted-Plot'.
First, i compiled a small database, consisting of several random situations, conflicts, actions and counteractions. Fragments of sentences like: 'Brer Rabbit Goes To..", "Meanwhile At..." Etc. A simple BASIC program then shuffled the sentences and presented me with composed statements. Because they were completely randomized, it took quite some 'shuffling' before an array of sentences actually made sense.
The sentence that triggered off this particular story of Brer Rabbit 'Feestje' ('Party') went something like: 'Brer Rabbit Throws A Party.... But... He Has Another Date'.
It took me not too long to come up with the following plot: 'Brer Rabbit trows a party for his friends. Everybody is having a good time. But Brer Rabbit feels a bit guilty because he himself is being invited at another party that evening. Then some of the guests remind Brer Rabbit that there are not enough drinks for everybody. Brer Rabbit does some fast thinkin'. Finally he decides to go to the other party, while bringing his own guests along, killing two birds with one stone in the process: he can attend the second party, and he supplies his guests with enough drinks!
[Creators] [The Inducks] [DCML home]