Disneys relationer till krigsapparaten

Per Starback starback at ling.uu.se
Mon Okt 14 23:40:05 CEST 2002

När jag letade efter en annan sak råkade jag hitta den Funnyworld som
hade en artikel om Disneystudion under andra världskriget som jag
mindes som intressant. Det är Funnyworld 17 (1977). Jag har inte läst
om artikeln, men jag tror fortfarande att jag minns rätt som minns den
som bra, informativ och intressant. Underrubrikerna är "The Military
Moves In", "Taxes to Beat The Axis", "South of the Border", "Lessons
for Careless Charlie", "Victory Through Air Power", "Mythical Rogues
Of the Air", "The Three Caballeros", "A Postwar Postscript". Hela
artikeln heter "Donald Duck Joins Up : The Walt Disney Studio During
World War II" och är inte av Barrier själv, som jag hade för mig, utan
av en Richard Shale.

Artikeln är baserad på hans doktorsavhandling i American Culture vid
University of Michigan. "The complete dissertation is much longer than
this article, and includes chapters that could not be included here
even in condensed form; in them are discussed such subjects as
Disney's Canadian war bond films and the wartime theatrical shorts.
[...] (A portion of the dissertation, dealing with the Canadian films,
has also been published in _Motion_ magazine, Vol. 5, No. 3.)"

När jag sökte efter honom på nätet hittade jag

    Donald Duck Joins Up
    ISBN: 0835713105 - Paperback - List Price: $62.40
    Publisher: Books on Demand - Published Date: 05/01/1982
    Edited by: Diane Kirkpatrick
    Author: Richard Shale

Jag antar att detta är doktorsavhandlingen i återtryck.

Peter Johansson skrev:

> Mike Barriers bok, Hollywood Cartoons: American
> Animation in Its Golden Age av Barrier, Michael,
> verkar vara innehållsrik eftersom den håller starkt
> fokus på tiden kring andra världskriget.

Den var sedan länge efterlängtad när den kom. Händelsevis så finns det i
samma nummer av Funnyworld en artikel av Barrier med titeln
"Writing a History of American Cartoons":

   In the spring of 1973, I signed a contract with Oxford University
   Press to write a history of American animated cartoons, with the
   emphasis on animation's "Golden Age," the '30s and '40s. At the
   time, I thought that it would take about two years to write the
   book. [... Men det var fel. (Detta är skrivet 1977 som sagt.) Det
   tar längre tid] so the book will actually have been in the works
   for about ten years when it is published in 1979.

Det dröjde till 1999 tills den verkligen kom ut!

> Det verkar som om jag måste gå med i NAFS(k)! :)


699 Per Starbäck
 "They have hired him to make a moving picture that is going to cost
  $80,000 to persuade the people to pay their income taxes. My God!
  Can you think of anything that would come nearer to making people
  hate to pay their income tax than the knowledge that $80,000, that
  should go for a bomber, is to be spent for a moving picture to
  entertain people?"

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