Joakims liv

Olof Siverbo olof.siverbo at
Ons Apr 20 12:43:50 CEST 2005

> Joakim Kindahl:
>> Är det någon som har koll på dessa "extraberättelser" vore jag mycket 
>> tacksam att få reda på detta (och var men enklast hittar dem :)).
>> /Joakim

> Jag hittade ett forum 
> ( 
> där den amerikanske ankisten David Gerstein hade sammanställt den här 
> listan:
> Of Ducks and Dimes and Destinies (chapter 0)
> Cowboy Captain of the Cutty Sark (chapter 3b)
> Vigilante of Pizen Bluff (chapter 6b)
> Prisoner of White Agony Creek (chapter 8b)
> Hearts of the Yukon (chapter 8c)
> Sharpie of the Culebra Cut (chapter 10b)

Tydligen finns det planer på att samla "extrahistorierna" i en egen 
bok, enligt det här inlägget till DCML (den internationella listan om 

 > And in the planning stages is a book that will collect all of the 
Rosa stories that are ancillary
 > to his Life of Scrooge series. Rosa has written a number of tales 
that fit in-between the
 > segments of Life of Scrooge. They are, to date: 'Of Ducks and Dimes 
and Destinies,' Chapter 0;
 >'Cowboy Captain of the Cutty Sark,' Chapter 3-B; 'The Vigilante of 
Pizen Bluff,' Chapter 6.5;
 >'Hearts of the Yukon,' Chapter 8-C; and 'The Sharpie of Culebra Cut,' 
Chapter 10-B. Rosa is
 > currently working on a Chapter 8-B and that will be included if 
available at time of publication.
 > Release date to be determined.


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