(Dutch) Rosa

Harry Fluks H.W.Fluks at research.ptt.nl
Mon Aug 9 13:30:25 CEST 1993

> 	Thanks for all the answers to questions. I think you ask me only
> one new one -- whether I do anything else besides Duck work. No, I make
> my entire livlihood off writing/drawing Duck stuff for Egmont. 

And what did you do before that? (I guess that's none of my business,
I'm just curious.)

> 	Seems like one thing I noticed on your index is that they will
> be running parts 1 & 2 of my "life of $crooge" series right AFTER they
> print part 3.  Will they say ANYTHING to readers to explain this
> oddity???

I don't think so. They put an extra capture in the first panel of part 3
to introduce the fact that Scrooge had a youth 8-). If there were any
references to part 1 or 2 in the story, either they changed them, or I
haven't noticed them (I have never seen part 1 or 2).

Maybe I can say more about this in November, when part 1 is published...


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