Italian Grandma...

Fabio Gadducci gadducci at DI.UniPi.IT
Mon Dec 13 16:18:52 CET 1993

Hi, true believers... (cough, made a mistake...)

Just two words on the hottest topic in Duckdom.
As not so many of you may know, Luca Boschi is editing another version of
the duck tree, in order to be published (probably) in issue 2000 of

It will be a tree completely different from Don's, since a lot of
characters out of  Barksian canon will be included: even some Italian
characters like Sgrizzo and Paperetta Ye-Ye (both created by Scarpa).

I think I'll send to the list the final version when I get it, anyway I can
assure you that Grandma Duck is Donalds's grandma, and that she is not
$crooge's sister. The 50 years anniversary story by Rota, as some other
story (like that of the totem pole someone referred to), are not considered
part of the canonical tree (you can think of those as Elseworlds...:-)

A last thing about Don's publications: Harry is right, none of his stories
is appeared in Italy yet, even if his work is very well known by fans (I
think that the first reference to him was in an interview with Romano
Scarpa, appeared in a book published in 1988 that Boschi, Gori and Sani
devoted to the Venetian Maestro.

That's all, folks!


Fabio Gadducci            Dip. di Informatica
Home: +39-50-541725       Universita` di Pisa
Off.: +39-50-510268       Corso Italia 40, 56100 PISA (ITALY)
FAX:  +39-50-510226       E-mail:gadducci at

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