Darin's Christmas Carol, Tom&Jerry, and my wishes

Harry Fluks H.W.Fluks at research.ptt.nl
Tue Dec 21 20:01:37 CET 1993

Darin Reid:
> Hi, Since I've been on this list since its beginning (...)

Hey, Darin: where is your fancy signature? 8-)

> My point:  Disney's use of Scrooge in _Mickey's Christmas Carol_ is not wrong.
> Nor is it immoral, or even a bad thing.  It is simply a case of disney using
> one of it's characters in a film outside of the regular disney spectrum.
> They never said "Hey, this is Uncle Scrooge!",  they said "Hey, this is
> Ebenezer Scrooge".  I feel that Disney has a right to use the characters it 
> owns in anyway they want.

Disney has a right to do anything with "their" characters, and we have the 
right NOT to like it.

> IMHO, they can't stop making movies and shows
> because of our sense of "classic duckness".  If companies did this then
> the entire comic industry would collapse.  

The point is, that $crooge was _created_ in the world of "classic duckness".
He was never meant to be a movie or TV character.
> What I'm trying to say is.  Hey, we like the classic Barks ducks, and 
> especially $crooge, but you just can't realistically expect Disney to use him
> in that one way.

We could expect they would use him in a consistent way... The DuckTales
$crooge is a totally different character, only resembling the comic $crooge a 
little bit. (BTW: I quite like DuckTales, sometimes.)

Of course we could say: who cares, it's just a different character. But the
danger is, that people can't distinguish them, and think the comic books
$crooge is the same as the TV $crooge. Even comic editors started to
think that way, with disasterous effects on the comics...

Tom & Jerry (again)
The latest Dutch T&J monthly again reprints a (Swedish) Barks Barney & Benny.
All Dutch Barks fans: go buy it!

My wishes (Christmas etc.)
I'll take the opportunity to wish to you all what you would wish to me.


Harry Fluks                      ()_()     Dutch Disney comics freak
PTT Research, Leidschendam (NL)   (_)      H.W.Fluks at research.ptt.nl 
"Yeah... I've _heard_ of coral barques!"

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