Grandma's car, gz archives
Tryg Helseth
trygve at
Fri Dec 24 04:24:13 CET 1993
On Thu, 23 Dec 1993 14:44:55 +0100, Mattias Hallin wrote:
> About where/with whom Grandma's car originated, I'm pretty confident it
>was with Taliaferro - at least I seem to recall her driving a car similar to
>the one she has in Barks' episodes in a fairly early Taliaferro strip... but I
>might be wrong?! Any one else has any ideas about this?
I remember a serailized Mickey Mouse story in WDC&S that had Grandma
Duck's electric car sitting on a flat bed rail car. Since many of those
stories were redrawn "modern" versions of Gottfredson stories, I wonder
if this could be one of those? Naw!
>Now, about that car being an electric, and recharging it's batteries and so
>on... well, there's is at least one story I can remember offhand: a Gyro story
>(incidentally the one where Mickey's nephews appear) where Gyro traps lightning
>in a box, by way of a kite a la Franklin, in order to get inexpensive eltric
>power. Which indeed he does... and how! Among other gags, he recharges
>Grandma's car (she just happens to drive by, it seems) from this lightning box,
>and it takes off at break-neck speed! I don't know off-hand whether or not
>Barks himself wrote this particular story, but it would least seem to indicate
>that the car in question is indeed electric, and that it does need recharging
Thanks! Yes, I believe that one is a Barks Gyro from Uncle Scrooge #13.
(How could I forget a Gyro story?) The reason for Morty and Ferdie being
there instead of HD&L had something to do with getting a 2nd class mailing
permit for Uncle $crooge. Apparenty the US post office required at least
two separate stories with totally different characters. So the Gyro story
was added but HD&L had to go because they were in the US story, "Land
Beneath the Ground!" (As I write this, I can't help but think that this
has probably common knowledge here. I guess I better start reading those
digest archives. <g>)
>...which just might be a problem of it's own - I also seem to recall something
>somewhere that says that Grandma's farm doesn't have electricity - but on the
>other hand there IS (and of this I'm sure) the Grandma story where HD$L comes
>for a visit and Grandma says about the TV-set Donald has given her that "she
I do remember the that TV gag, but I also don't remeber there being
electricity on the farm. What a paradox! Maybe grandma had a wind-powered
generator for charging the car?
>Also, Tryg: I don't see no reason for you to go lurking again, just because
>we've had some subjects under discussion before;
Well, I haven't been here long enough (two weeks) to have been lurking for
long. (I only lurked for about 3 days...)
>you nice but shy lurkers out there to come out of your closets, and play a
>nice round of golf with the rest of us - I'm absolutely POSITIVE Gladstone
>Gander won't show up to spoil our fun!
With my skill at golf, I'll need Gladstone's luck!
>To uncompress ".gz" files, type "gunzip [filename]" at the UNIX command
>line. There should be a gunzip program somewhere at U.Minnesota.
Thanks for the tip. I couldn't find "gunzip," but I found "gzip" which
would do the decompression after a bit of coaxing. Anyhow, I unziped and
all the archived digests and downloaded them to my PC. Now all I have to
do is find time to read them... :)
Tryg Heseth <tryve at>
"I wish the all could be Calisota Ducks!" -The Beach Drakes
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