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Tryg Helseth trygve at
Wed Dec 29 05:50:38 CET 1993

On Wed, 29 Dec 93 00:51:00 +0100, Per Starback wrote:

>Mattias wrote:
>> Also, Tryg: I don't see no reason for you to go lurking again, just because
>> we've had some subjects under discussion before;
>I absolutely agree.  Certainly you aren't supposed to read through our
>old ramblings just so that you don't happen to ask something that
>already has been covered here.  And besides there will always be more
>to say about a question like "Where is Duckburg?" anyway.

Whew!  Thanks for not making those past digests *required* reading!  By the 
time I got through all that, it would probably be next year before I could 
post another message... :)   I have used the grep command on them from time 
to time to scan for subjects of interest, however, so I suppose it wouldn't 
hurt to do that before I fire off a message here...


>There has been some talk about the characters as actors, and Wilmer
>remembered that Four Color comic book where the real Goofy, as seen in
>the comics, was acting in the cartoons.  Of course the cartoons aren't
>real---every sane person knows that!  What most of them don't know is
>that the comics *are* for real!  There is really a difference.  In the
>comics a world was gradually created around the characters, but
>the cartoons are very much like other comedy films with recurring
>actors---the settings vary wildly, but the characters remain more or
>less the same.
>That Goofy comic is not the only time the comics showed the gang as
>actors doing the cartoons, by the way.  Gottfredson has Mickey talking
>to Unca Walt himself on the phone about a role in a new cartoon!
>--       "
>Per Starback, Uppsala, Sweden.  email: starback at
> "Roll out the velvet carpet!  Sound the klaxons!  The master actor of
>  the ages has arrived!" (Donald in WDC 128)
>PS: What is a klaxon, by the way?

Tryg Heseth  <tryve at>

"I wish the all could be Calisota Ducks!" -The Beach Drakes
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Tryg Heseth  <tryve at>

"I wish the all could be Calisota Ducks!" -The Beach Drakes

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