Legend for Kjell Crone's Indices
Per Starb{ck
starback at Minsk.DoCS.UU.SE
Thu Jan 21 23:51:16 CET 1993
Here is a legend for Kjell Crone's Indices that I put on
ftp.lysator.liu.se:/pub/comics/disney. I made it myself, so there may
be any number of faults in it.
For every book there is one line for every story in the book. That
line contains Index, Pages, Title Character, Artist, Title, and
Publications, in that order.
* Index
This is 01, 02, etc. for the stories.
Sometimes there are different versions of the same book, where one
version has more stories than another. E.g., there are two versions
of DD 45, one with gag pages by Carl Barks on the inside front cover
and inside back cover, and one version with ads on those pages. That
isn't indicated in these indices, and the stories are numbered
according to their positions in the version of the book with the most
number of stories. Sometimes there is *another* (shorter) story in
the "ad version" of the book, as in FC 1247, where the seventh story
either is a full-page gag, or a half-page gag (with an ad taking up
the remaining half-page). In those cases the story in the "ad
version" of the book has a trailing "a", so that would be story "07a".
FC = front cover, BC = back cover, and other full-page illustrations
at the beginning or the end of the book are called FD, FE, ... or BD,
BE, ... respectively. Various illustrations and other stuff that
aren't comics inside the books sometimes get codes beginning with "p"
and then a page number, and sometimes they aren't listed.
One-page text stories with one illustration at the top are numbered as
the comics stories, and not indicated in any special way, though.
* Pages
This is the number of pages for the story. A trailing "*" indicates
an extra page that isn't full. If the story is less than one whole
page it's shown as a fraction instead.
* Title Character
AD Daisy Duck's Diary (but sometimes just DA is used)
AN Daisy's Nieces / April, May, and June
AW Alice in Wonderland
BI Bambi
BO Bongo
BR Brer Rabbit
BU Bucky Bug
BW Big Bad Wolf
CC Clara Cluck
CD Chip 'n' Dale
CH Captain Hook
CI Cinderella
CJ Casey Jr.
CL Clarabelle
DA Daisy Duck (sometimes also used for Daisy Duck's Diary)
DD Donald Duck
DN Donald's Nephews / Huey, Dewey, and Louie
DT ??? (Appears in DDBP 5.)
DU Dumbo
DV Li'l Davy
DW Dim-Witty
FD Family Duck (only for covers)
FM Family Mouse (only for covers)
GD Grandma Duck
GG Gyro Gearloose
GI Gilbert
GJ Gus and Jaq (see also JG!)
GL Gladstone Gander
GO Goofy
GU Gus Goose
JC Jiminy Cricket
JG Jack and Gus (see also GJ!)
LD Ludwig Von Drake
LH Little Hiawatha
LJ Lumpjaw
LT Lady and the Tramp
LW Li'l Bad Wolf
MA Mad Madam Mim
MD Moby Duck
MF Morty and Ferdie
MI Minnie
MM Mickey Mouse
OG ??? (Appears in SS 1-6.)
PI Pinocchio
PL Pluto
PP Peter Pan
RH Robin Hood
SB Sleeping Beauty
SC Scamp
SD The Seven Dwarfs
SW Snow White
TB Tinker Bell
TH Thumper
TI Timothy
TP Three Little Pigs
UR Uncle Remus
US Uncle Scrooge / Scrooge McDuck
Several characters are sometimes joined with "+".
* Artist
AH Al Hubbard
AT Al Taliaferro
BG Bob Grant
BW Bill Wright
CB Carl Barks
DG Don Gunn
DM Dick Moores
FA Fred Abranz
FG Floyd Gottfredson
FS Frank McSavage
GT Gil Turner
HE Harvey Eisenberg
IT Irving Tripp
JB Jack Bradbury
JH Jack Hannah
JM Jack Manning (I think that's what it supposed to stand for,
but all JM stories here are drawn by Stan Walsh,
according to Becattini's Disney Index Vol. 1.
JS? ??? (Appears in WDCP 3.)
KH Ken Hultgren
Kn ??? (Appears in DDBP 1 and SS 1.)
LH Lee Hooper
MG Manuel Gonzales
MO Morris Gollub
PA Pete Alvarado
PL Phil de Lara
PM Paul Murry
RA Roger Armstrong
RG Robert Gregory
RT Riley Thompson
TS Tony Strobl
VB Carl (Von) Buettner
WK Walt Kelly
ph (a photography)
* Title
Titles in ALL CAPS are actual titles taken from the comic books, other
titles are "descriptive titles".
Newspaper comics that are edited into a comic book format sometimes
have the copyright year before of after the title, as "'41 WHERE
THERE'S SMOKE" or "Secret invention ('41)", and sometimes the whole
date is there as in "2-9-41 TRAPPED".
Sometimes there is no title except for the date(s), as in
"KF 9-1-46--10-6-46".
* Publications
If the story is a reprint this shows the origin, with "=" followed by
the code of original comic book as given below followed with the index
of that story in that book, as given in this index.
DD = Donald Duck
DDBP = Donald Duck Beach Party
DDFB = Donald Duck Fun Book
DDID = Donald Duck in Disneyland
FC = Four Color
gkWDCP = Walt Disney's Christmas Parade (Gold Key)
GIANT = Dell Giant
PPTC = Peter Pan Treasure Chest
SS = Silly Symphonies
US = Uncle Scrooge
VID = Vacation in Disneyland
WDC = Walt Disney's Comics and Stories
WDCP = Walt Disney's Christmas Parade (Dell)
XID = Christmas in Disneyland
For newspaper comics edited for publication sometimes the date
the (partial) date is shown here, like "(c 1941)", "XX-XX-55", or
"KF 5-14-39". More often that is in the title instead.
Most of the time the Publication column is used to show Swedish
(first) publication of the stories:
JFJ = Jag, Farbror Joakim
JKA = Jag, Kalle Anka
KA = Kalle Anka & C:o
KAB = Kalle Ankas B{stisar
KAJ = Kalle Anka Guldbok
KAJK = Kalle Anka Julkul
KAP = Kalle Ankas Pocket
KASL = Kalle Anka Sommarlov
KAVK = Kalle Anka Vinterkul
MPJP = Musse Pigg Jubelpartaj
SLX = Sportlovsextra
VKK = Vi tv} --- Kajsa & Kalle
VKFT = Vi, Knatte, Fnatte, Tjatte
WDG = Walt Disneys Godbitar
WDK = Walt Disneys Klassiker
WDS = Walt Disneys Serier
-- "
Per Starback, Uppsala, Sweden. email: starback at student.docs.uu.se
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