MISC: CBG Fan Awards Ballot (This is our chance!)

Gilbert Milburn gilbert at unix.campbellsvil.edu
Tue May 4 00:35:19 CEST 1993


Here is a copy of the Comics Buyer's Guide 1992 Fan Award ballot.
Fill it out (circulate a copy to all your friends, who are Disney
fans), send it in and if we all pull together -- who knows, a Disney
comic-book could literally win *BIG* ... maybe even one by Don!   

It came to me by way of...

>April 30, 1993   The Comics List Weekly   Vol. 3 No. 17 (Part 9)

>This Week:

>Fan Guide Poll  :  Fill it out and get a free copy of CBG!


>Date: 28 Apr 1993 09:34:58 -0500 (EST)
>From: Greg McElhatton <STU_GLMCELHA at JMUVAX.BITNET>

`Wrote a better description of the rules!'

>Date: Wed, 28 Apr 93 16:00:42 PDT
>From: jrd at frame.com (James Drew)

`Drafted a superior ballot!'

>Subject: Comic Buyer's Guide Fan Poll


>What are your favorites in the world of comics?  COMIC BUYER'S
>GUIDE, the weekly newspaper devoted to the world of comic books,
>sponsors these awards to let you, the reader, cast your ballot in
>determining what the fan favorites are for the year.

>RULES AND REGULATIONS:  Only material with a 1992 cover date can
>win.  Votes for projects that did not have a 1992 publication date
>on them will not be counted.  This ballot may be copied and passed
>on to your friends for their votes.  Anyone who loves comics can
>vote--but only vote once.  If you vote more than once, ALL your
>votes will be thrown out.  Vote only in the categories you want,
>and ignore any you don't.  COMIC BUYER'S GUIDE is not eligible for
>Category 15.  Every CBG voter in the United States will get a free
>issue of COMIC BUYER'S GUIDE with the results (scheduled to be
>#1029, dated August 6, 1993), unless you already have a current
>subscription to CBG.  Votes from other countries will be counted,
>but we regret that free copies of CBG can't be mailed out of the
>country unless your vote is accompanied by $3.00 in U.S. funds to
>cover handling and shipping.  The award winners will be announced
>at the Atlanta Comics Expo, held July 16-18, 1993.

>Mail your ballot individually in a single envelope by June 1, 1993

>Comic Buyer's Guide Fan Awards
>700 E. State St.
>Iola, WI  54990-0001

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cut here~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Name:                                                      Age:

Street or Box:                                  Male or Female:

City, State, and Zip:

I got this ballot from:         (enter newsgroup or mailing list
name here)

Favorite Editor:

Favorite Writer:

Favorite Penciller:

Favorite Inker:

Favorite Colorist:

Favorite Painter:

Favorite Letterer:

Favorite Cover Artist:

Favorite Comic-Book Story:

Favorite Comic Book:

Favorite Limited Comic-Book Series:

Favorite Original Graphic Novel or Album:

Favorite Reprint Graphic Novel or Album:

Favorite Character:

Favorite Publication about Comics:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cut here~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

BTW: Although, I saw this in "The Comics List Weekly" the Idea to
send this to my fellow allies of the net was entirely my idea!

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