
Harry Fluks H.W.Fluks at research.ptt.nl
Tue May 11 09:30:33 CEST 1993

Don Rosa:
> I love Jippes art --he is the absolute tops of modern Duck
> artists.... but again, he doesn't write his own stories, and whoever
> DOES write them doesn't seem too inspired. Of course, his current
> revamping of the old Barks JW stories is interesting!

Mark Semich:
> Are these current JW stories being published in the U.S.?

I have not seen them in the USA (yet). I hope Gladstone will reprint them.
(And I guess none of them has been reprinted yet outside Holland.)

Jippes has done 6 stories up to now, for the Dutch Disney publisher:

story   Dutch  Title (lower case)          Barks'       Story code
        issue                              script date

JW  8b  92-07  bad day for troop 'a'       70-01-01     H 9202
JW 11a  92-43  traitor in the ranks        70-10-26     H 9285
JW 12b  92-13  storm dancers               71-02-04     H 9212
JW 13a  92-29  the day the mountain shook  71-05-04     H 9251
JW 13b         gold of the '49ers          71-05-25     (?)
JW 14   92-01  duckmade disaster           71-07-30     H 9201

The Dutch publisher wanted to reprint ALL Barks' work, but they didn't 
Tony Strobl's and Kay Wright's art. So they let Jippes redraw the stories.
Jippes agreed to do this, because he needed the money! Let's hope he 
will finish (re)drawing ALL the JW stories...

Harry Fluks                      ()_()     Dutch Disney comics freak
PTT Research, Leidschendam (NL)   (_)      H.W.Fluks at research.ptt.nl 
"Yeah... I've _heard_ of coral barques!"

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