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Don Rosa 72260.2635 at CompuServe.COM
Tue May 11 16:27:55 CEST 1993

Try again.

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Date:  07-May-93 08:18 EDT
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Date: 07 May 93 08:11:31 EDT
From: Don Rosa <72260.2635 at CompuServe.COM>
To: <disney-comics at Minsk.DoCS.UU.SE>
Subject: Re: Digest #13
Message-Id: <930507121130_72260.2635_EHK23-2 at CompuServe.COM>


	Per: Don't forget about ME! I need copies of the Swedish comics with my stories in 'em, TOO! Nobody sends me those things! I sometimes 
get copies from a couple of very nice young Swedish fans, but they can hardly afford to be mailing me stuff overseas like that when 
Egmont or some older Duck fan could afford to much better!
	Replies to various queries:
	The only thing that is changing now that Gladstone takes back over from Disney is that they will carry on a policy that Disney started 
toward their end, that which allowed me to do some covers for them: Gladstone is allowed to return my art! I am the first (and only) 
hoomin bean who has ever had artwork returned from the Disney Corporation which is a sure sign that they are slowly coming into the 20th 
century, and may get here about the time the rest of us go into the 21st.
	My story which won "best comic of the year" in Norway was "Return to Xanadu". Beat out other nominees like "Gotham by Gaslight" and 
	In reply to what Americans might think of Disney comics as compared with Asterix or Tintin or Nemo: Americans would at least have 
HEARD of the Disney characters. Recently there have been Asterix and Tintin shows on cable TV, and that new Nemo animated feature... 
so at least a FEW Americans now have heard of those characters. But prior to the last 2 or 3 years, no American outside of a small 
percentage of hardcore comic collectors would have ever even heard of Asterix or Tintin. Nor would any American have a fraction of the 
knowledge of old American newspaper strips that the average European does. Does that surprise and of you Euro folks? It shouldn't. 
This is truly a nation of wealthy morons.
	And what other changes did I make in Barks old Family Tree? The only other one I can think of is that I eleiminated the business of 
Gladstone's parents dying from overeating at a free picnic, so he was never adopted by $crooge's sister Matilda. I saw no purpose 
behind such a "plot twist" which would have been very hard to get included in a comic book. Unfortunately, this left Matilda an "old 
maid"; I wanted to have her married to Ludwig Von Drake; I like Ludwig and that would be the ONLY way he could actually be a relative 
of Donald. But I was vetoed by everyone from Bob Foster to Carl Barks on that one... so poor Matilda is still an old maid. (Actually, 
she'd be DEAD by now, anyhow. $crooge is the last McDuck alive.)

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