Strobl et al. stories

Wilmer Rivers rivers at beno.CSS.GOV
Wed May 12 18:20:32 CEST 1993

> Did anyone besides Barks do DD/US stories for Dell?

> Many have done Donald, like Jack Bradbury, Dick Moores, Phil de Lara,
> Tony Strobl and Paul Murry.  Gladstone reprinted some of those
> stories, mostly in their small-size digests, but usually not
> particularly good stories.  There are some great non-Barks stories
> though

I'll throw this one out to the group: what are your favorite stories by
those authors?  My favorite is perhaps Donald in Mathemagic Land, since
I read it at an early age before I had encountered many of those topics
in school.  I suspect many other people on the net were first introduced
to mathematical concepts via that comic!  (Of course, my favorite duck
story of all time was Barks' Land Beneath the Ground, and now I am a
seismologist.  I wonder whether there's any connection?)

Wilmer Rivers
rivers at (the Internet gateway to the Terries and Fermies!)

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