The answers to the quote quiz
Per Starback
starback at Minsk.DoCS.UU.SE
Fri May 14 00:58:45 CEST 1993
Here are the answers to my latest Barks quote quiz. The contestants
were: Anders Engwall, Anders Wass, Ola Torstensson, David Gerstein,
Harry Fluks, and Johan Blixt.
> 1. "Hmm! A *square* fire, a *round* fire, and a *hollow* fire! Very
> interesting! I'll report this to headquarters!"
This is "Benzine" Banzoony in "The Firebug" from DDOS 108. All the
six contestants got it, so they get 1/6 point each.
> 2. "Here's a book on `Removing Musty Smells From Dried Dodo
> Feathers'! Read it and improve your minds!"
This was supposed to be harder, and evidently it was. Harry thought
that it might be the Super Snooper story (WDC 107), where Donald has
strong opinions on what his nephews read. Ola guessed at "the one
where the nephews dress up as giant bugs" (WDC 77), which was a pretty
good guess as it is from another story at about the same time (WDC 80)
also set in Donald's garden. Only David got this one, so he gets one
full point for it.
> 3. "Ahem, gentlemen! That window is *opaque* glass!"
Here on the other hand everyone except David got it. This is the
waiter's comment when Scrooge and a disguised Donald agrees that
it's a wonderful view through the window. "Yes! I could look at it
for *hours!*" WDC 148.
> 4. "Times are tough, huh, bud?"
Everyone got this one, which is from the story about the talking dog
(WDC 152) and it's the talking dog himself who says it. Donald's
answer: "You're not kidding!"
> 5. "*Americans!* Stoke th' fiahs! Head th'skillets! We ain't had
> Americans fo' dinnah since 1868!"
This was supposed to be easy, and everyone got it. Well, I've always
had a quote from Lost in the Andes in these quizzes before, so...
> 6. "Neighee wheenie whee neighee! Yonk! Yonk!"
Harry guessed at the echo story (WDC 105) where there are many strange
sounds and David though it was the drugged horse in "The Hard Loser"
(DDOS 29), but he sounds more like "wheeee", "whick", and "gleek
pleep!" and in fact this was police horse that got turned into a "keen
orator" by the teaching cylinder in "The Swamp of No Return" (US 57).
Noone got this.
> 7. "My little Bob caught chills!"
Everyone except Ola got this one. It's one mother complaining to
another about Donald's swimming pool in WDC 129.
> 8. "Make it *four* tickets! My nephews are kangaroos too!"
Another one which everyone got. Maybe it was too easy? But maybe all
you who didn't enter didn't think so? This is Donald on his way to
Australia in Adventure Down Under (DDOS 159).
> 9. "Allakazalla zillika zuck! I think I see a *lucky* duck!"
This is Gladstone Gander. That is, it is not about Gladstone, but it
is Gladstone speaking (about Donald!) Gladstone is wearing a swami
outfit, just as he is in Trail of the Unicorn. David must have
associated the quote with the swami outfit, because he knew it was one
of those stories, but unfortunately he chose the wrong one. Anders E,
Anders W, and Harry got it right (WDC 163).
> 10. "Ramjckwckwizc hits a single over Socrapossi's head! The crowd
> goes wild!"
Anders E, Anders W and Ola got this one right. It is a radio
commentator from a very exciting ball game which Donald is listening
to on a houseboat in Lake Erie in WDC 142.
> 11. "I *want* that bauble! I'll pay you all the rice I can grow for
> ten years!"
Uncle Scrooge in Tralla La (US 6). They got it all.
> 12. "Baby kills mother, shoots pa"
This was supposed to be really hard, but Johan and David both got it.
Half a point each then. It's a small headline in the newspaper that
Donald imagines himself on the front page of in the old WDC 32
(headline about Donald: "Heroic duck subdues gorilla"). Normal people
don't read that fine print! :-)
> 13. "Yes, it's plenty safe, boys! There won't bee another fire *here*
> for a long, *long* time!"
A bee there that shouldn't *be* there flew into the quote, but most of
you (Anders E, Anders W, David, Johan, Harry) got it anyway. It's
after the fire in Vacation Parade #1.
The both Anderses had the most number of correct answers (10) and they
got exactly the same questions (!), but because of my scoring system
they didn't win anyway, and that did instead (ta-da!) David Gerstein
(getting the only full point on a question helped). Congratulations!
The total score table this time is:
41/15 = 2.73 David
21/10 = 2.1 Anders E and Anders W
29/15 = 1.93 Johan
53/30 = 1.77 Harry
41/30 = 1.37 Ola
Summing this up with my last quiz before this one yields a total top
five Hall of Fame like this:
89/15 = 5.93 Harry Fluks
143/30 = 4.77 Anders Wass
23/6 = 3.83 Anders Berglund
41/15 = 2.73 David Gerstein
21/10 = 2.1 Anders Engwall
-- "
Per Starback, Uppsala, Sweden. email: starback at
"Ta ta, boys! I'll see you in the funny papers!"
(That one is from WDC 45 by the way.)
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