INFREQUENTLY asked questions about HD&L

Wilmer Rivers rivers at beno.CSS.GOV
Fri May 14 23:53:07 CEST 1993

Are "Huey, Dewey, and Louie Duck" the real names of Donald's nephews?
Since they are the children of Donald's sister, presumably their
original surname was whatever Thelma/Della's **married** name was,
rather than her maiden name of "Duck".  Or did she marry someone
also named "Duck"?  Surely the boys aren't illegitimate!  Maybe they
changed their last name when Donald "adopted" them?  Also, are their
first names really nicknames?  "Huey" is a perfectly O.K. name in
English, but "Dewey" is usually a familiar form of "Duane", and "Louie"
is usually short for "Louis".  Were their original names then Huey,
Duane, and Louis Something-other-than-duck?  Also, how old do you think
they are in the stories?  What grade are they in at school?  And what
are their exact ranks in the Junior Woodchucks?  Important questions,

Wilmer Rivers
rivers at

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